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7th grades of Berching secondary school visit FISCHER.

7th grades on visit

Pupils explore apprenticeships in the technical field.


Mühlhausen. Solid future opportunities at FISCHER Licht & Metall. This was recognized by 26 students from two seventh grades of the Berching secondary school during their visit to Mühlhausen.

Early in the morning of December 15, 2015, the training manager Benjamin Köbl welcomed the interested students and led them to the in-house training workshop. Here they were able to build on last year's visit, during which they gained initial insights into the industrial production of metal components as well as the manual production of advertising systems. Building on this, the students were now able to gain practical experience in the manufacture of a rose cavalier (vase made of metal).
Support was provided by seven FISCHER trainees, who were ready to answer all the participants' questions.

As a snack, a rich fruit basket was available for the future junior employees in the company's forum. The product samples on display there were very well received by the 7th graders and encouraged numerous questions to the FISCHER apprentices. Strengthened and full of energy, the students went back to finish their workpiece.

At the end of the long practical day, there was still valuable advice for their professional careers. The 7th graders were very interested in the fact that FISCHER Licht & Metall offers a variety of apprenticeships with different craft and industrial focuses. Although the number of apprenticeships in the skilled trades is falling, the job profiles of construction mechanic and sign and light advertising manufacturer met with a high level of response from the participants.

Am Ende des langen Praxistages gab es noch wertvolle Hinweise für den beruflichen Werdegang. Dass FISCHER Licht & Metall eine Vielzahl von Ausbildungsberufen mit unterschiedlichen handwerklichen und industriellen Schwerpunkten anbietet, nahmen die 7.-Klässler mit großem Interesse auf. Obwohl die Ausbildungszahlen im Handwerk sinken, stießen die Berufsbilder des Konstruktionsmechanikers und des Schilder-und Lichtreklameherstellers bei den Teilnehmern auf eine hohe Resonanz.

7th grade on visit