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End of the year at FISCHER Licht & Metall

Anniversaries 2014

- Restrained positive outlook for 2014


Mühlhausen. This year's company meeting took place at FISCHER Licht & Metall in Mühlhausen on Friday. Manuela Fuchs, chairwoman of the works council, congratulated the employees celebrating anniversaries this year, first and foremost Johann Beranek and Wolfgang Hölzl, who have been with FISCHER for 45 and 40 years respectively. At the Christmas party in the evening at Café-Restaurant Beck in Freystadt, Managing Director Stephan K. Fischer presented certificates and medals of honor to all those celebrating their anniversaries.

The topic of training and knowledge transfer will be given an even higher priority. FISCHER continues to significantly exceed the national average (5.7%) with a training rate of 11%. Six new apprenticeships, one of which is still vacant, will be created in 2014.

This year got off to a difficult start with short-time work, said Managing Director Stephan K. Fischer. Currently, the company is in a recovery phase with new customers in the industrial sector, he added. The illuminated advertising division has had a very good workload this winter, he said. "In the future, however, we will have to work much more tightly," he warned his employees. "Only a clear cost structure and elimination of sources of error can secure jobs and competitiveness in the long term."

Trade union secretary Oliver Berner of IG Metall in Regensburg said FISCHER is special not only because of its products and people, but also because of its mix of artisanal and industrial production.

In his speech, he reflected on the political and economic situation in 2013 and gave a brief outlook on the priorities for the coming year.

The following were honored (years of service in parentheses): Johann Beranek (45), Wolfgang Hölzl (40); Stefan Götz, Armin Kalischko, Raimund Nicklas and Franz Mages (35); Rainer Heiler and Ute Wurm (30); Manfred Bögl, Ludwig Schmid and Eckhard Hempel (25) as well as Alexandra Lippmann (20); Christian Meier, Johann Negler, Bernd Stephan and Georg Vögerl (15) and Andreas Schneider (10). Not all were present.

Gewerkschaftssekretär Oliver Berner von der IG Metall in Regensburg sagte, FISCHER sei nicht nur durch seine Produkte und Menschen, sondern auch etwas Besonderes wegen der Mischung aus handwerklicher und industrieller Produktion.

In seinem Referat reflektierte er die politische und wirtschaftliche Situation 2013 und gab einen kurzen Ausblick auf die Schwerpunkte des kommenden Jahres.

Geehrt wurden (Jahre der Betriebszugehörigkeit in Klammern): Johann Beranek (45), Wolfgang Hölzl (40); Stefan Götz, Armin Kalischko, Raimund Nicklas und Franz Mages (35); Rainer Heiler und Ute Wurm (30); Manfred Bögl, Ludwig Schmid und Eckhard Hempel (25) sowie Alexandra Lippmann (20); Christian Meier, Johann Negler, Bernd Stephan und Georg Vögerl (15) und Andreas Schneider (10). Nicht alle waren anwesend.