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8th grade of secondary school Mühlhausen visits FISCHER


Mühlhausen. Handicraft has a future - This was the conclusion of 19 students of the 8th grade of the Mühlhausen secondary school with their teacher Walter Fritz during their visit to FISCHER Licht & Metall.
First, there was a company presentation with an integrated workshop. During this workshop, the participants were given an insight into possible apprenticeship occupations, were able to analyze their skills and abilities, and compare their own career aspirations with the apprenticeship occupations on offer.

What was fascinating for the students was that the company offers a wide range of development opportunities as well as jobs with different craft and industrial focuses.

"In the production of illuminated advertising systems, craftsmanship and industrial knowledge are necessary to offer a marketable product," emphasized Marketing Officer Dominic Götz.

Despite a downward trend in the number of trainees in the skilled trades, the job profile of the construction mechanic was well received by the participants. In order to learn this, a successful application is first necessary. There was a great deal of information on this subject, which was eagerly absorbed.

In order to experience the theory live and in color, the future apprenticeship aspirants were given an insight into the industrial production of metal components and the craft production of advertising systems during the concluding tour of the company.