"Werben mit Licht & Metall" published
Illuminated advertising as witnesses of
the times.
Book published
Mülhausen. "The long way from the campfire to the LED." - This is the sentence with which "WERBEN mit Licht & Metall." begins. A book about the success story of illuminated advertising and its protagonist FISCHER Licht & Metall. Hot off the press, over thousands of years are summarized and give deep impressions into the world of advertising systems.
The chronicle, with the distinctive angler fish on the cover, devotes 300 pages to the history of illuminated advertising. Illustrated with numerous exclusive pictures, the history of light of the past millennia is entertainingly told. Managing partner Stephan K. Fischer describes the core idea: "Without light there is no life and without advertising there is no sales success."
A walk through the shopping streets of any town will confirm that advertising installations on building facades are part of everyday life. "If a neon sign is reduced to the essentials, namely to its light source as the core as well as to the framing metal housing, 'WERBEN mit Licht & Metall' (Advertising with Light & Metal) was therefore only logical" says marketing manager Silvia Fischer on the choice of title for the book.
Advertising systems do not only exist in the here & now. "The view into the recent past shows that light advertising was present at each place and at each time" states Stephan K. Fischer. Through the chronicle, some blurred and dark periods of time become clearer and brighter. The fact that illuminated advertising is more than just a business, but a philosophy and a fixed brand component, is explained by numerous examples.
Author Siegfried Schüller explains the four main themes of the book: "One theme is the world of illuminated advertising and lighting technology. Another is the FISCHER family business over four generations. The third highlights the town of Mühlhausen and the region and its people. The fourth is an outline of the economic and political environment of the past decades."
But how did the idea for the chronicle come about? Silvia Fischer explains: "For more than 85 years, FISCHER Licht & Metall has been actively shaping the history of illuminated advertising. It was time to review the past and record it in a company chronicle. However, this should not only reflect the company but the entire industry. Behind every project there is a story that needs to be told. However, these usually never see the light of day. The book publishes many of these cheerful moments and allows new and long-time advertising technicians a look behind the scenes at FISCHER Licht & Metall."
Helmut Kohl once aptly said, "Those who don't know the past can't understand the present and can't shape the future." The innovations and challenges of the entire advertising equipment industry are still written in the stars, the history of the past to the present in "WERBEN mit Licht & Metall". For this reason, this work is highly recommended to all those who care about advertising systems.
"WERBEN mit Licht & Metall" can be purchased directly from the FISCHER Licht & Metall website (www.fischer-lum.de).
ADVERTISING with Light & Metal
Publisher: FISCHER Licht & Metall GmbH & Co. KG
Author: Siegfried Schüller
Publication date: 01.10.2015
Hardcover, 300 pages, numerous color photos
Format: 29 x 29 cm
Price: 29,90 Euro
ISBN: 9783000504327