14 jubilarians honored and an enjoyable review of the past year.
Honours 2017
Mühlhausen. Last Friday, the company meeting at FISCHER Licht & Metall took place. The chairwoman of the works council, Manuela Fuchs, congratulated the 14 jubilarians for their many years of service.
During the evening Christmas party in the Spitalstadl in Freystadt, managing partner Stephan K. Fischer thanked the jubilarians for their achievements and presented certificates and gifts.
"Large and small changes for the good of the company were implemented quickly," Manuela Fuchs sums up the successful cooperation with the management.
"Innovative products and a top performance of the entire workforce guaranteed a sustainable company success" summarizes Stephan K. Fischer happily in his review of the year.
"Thanks to the expansion of our machine park, many new customers and streamlined processes, I see us well positioned for the coming year. We will continue to successfully master changing requirements and challenges in our three divisions in the future," Stephan K. Fischer explains the starting position for the new year.
With five new trainees since September 2017, the trainee ratio of 12% remains in the top range nationwide. "Everywhere people complain about the shortage of skilled workers, we have been active for decades with our own training. The continuous transfer of the existing extensive know-how to the junior staff ensures the innovative spirit and the high product standards. Already today we secure with our ideas, our jobs of tomorrow", says the managing partner about the in-house training as well as the numerous innovations of the last year.
Honored were (years of service in parentheses): Bernd Meier (10), Robert Netsch (10), Kerstin Sossau (10), Elzbieta Dabkowski (15), Brigitte Vogl (20), Michael Meier (25), Albert Staudigl (25), Christian Bauer (30), Stefan Riek (30), Christine Schwarz (30), Richard Wocelka (30), Herbert Winter (40), Willy Götz (45), Anton Karg (45), Marianne Wittl (45). Not all were present.