Zentralverband Werbetechnik bei ältestem regionalen Hersteller von Lichtwerbeanlagen
Annual conference ZVW
Mühlhausen. This year's annual conference of the Zentralverband Werbetechnik, Bundesinnungsverband des Schilder- und Lichtreklameherstellerhandwerks, which promotes the economic, social, educational and craft policy interests of around 2,800 craft companies nationwide, in which around 1,000 young people are trained, took place from April 19 - 21, 2018 at FISCHER Licht & Metall in Mühlhausen.
The Federal Guild Master Martina Gralki-Brosch, the managing partner of FISCHER Licht & Metall, Stephan K. Fischer and about 30 participants were pleased about the personal greetings of District Administrator Willibald Gailler and the Mayor of Mühlhausen Dr. Martin Hundsdorfer. Both emphasized the importance of the skilled trades in our region and the economic strength of the district created by them.
The members of the Central Association of Advertising Technology enthusiastically followed the impressive tour of the company, which clearly demonstrated the complexity involved in the manufacture of illuminated advertising systems - a craft in industrial structures with 200 employees.
Over three days, the presentations by Stephan K. Fischer on the topics of Sales 4.0 with practical content on the strategic success factors in the implementation of the brand on the building, offered interesting aha experiences in addition to the numerous meetings of the association.
About Zentralverband Werbetechnik (ZVW)
The Zentralverband Werbetechnik (ZVW) - Bundesinnungsverband der Schilder- und Lichtreklamehersteller (Federal Guild Association of Sign and Light Advertising Manufacturers) - is a trade association for businesses of the sign and light advertising manufacturing trade that are registered in the Register of Crafts. Its headquarters are in Dortmund.
As a federal guild association, it represents the social and political interests of our craft and supports the affiliated state guild associations and guilds in fulfilling their legal and statutory tasks. Through our membership in the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH), we are also involved in political decisions in Berlin.
An important task is the training and further education in the sign and light sign making trade. The ZVW is authorized by law to regulate and supervise training and further education and to set up and support technical schools and courses.
Sign and light sign makers/advertising technicians realize advertising measures indoors and outdoors as design and technical manufacturers and also as service providers. They design advertising designs according to aesthetic as well as advertising criteria and produce them taking into account physical, technical and static aspects. Their tasks include developing concepts for advertising, information and orientation measures and advising customers on implementation and execution quality.