Come with me - get to know apprenticeship jobs while still at school
Cooperation with schools
Mühlhausen. One in four trainees drops out of their apprenticeship prematurely and companies attest that half of all school leavers have unclear career ideas.
Inspired by these facts, FISCHER Licht & Metall is cooperating with the Berching secondary school and the Mühlhausen secondary school as part of the come with me project of the Bavarian metal and electrical employers' association bayme vbm.
Principal Ursula Schroll (Mühlhausen elementary and middle school), Principal Stefan Kleinod (Berching elementary and middle school) and Managing Director Stephan K. Fischer signed the cooperation agreement and at the same time gave the starting signal for future collaboration. "The dovetailing of theory and practice is enormously important for both sides. This is the only way to counteract the often assumed lack of training maturity," said Stephan K. Fischer, emphasizing the mutual benefits of the project.
The project, which is initially scheduled to run for four years, includes practice-based career guidance for children and young people from the 5th grade onwards. Under the motto "Interested - Informed - Trying Out," the students gain impressions and insights into the working world of metal and electrical engineering. "Prejudices of some occupations are to be eliminated in the apron already, pupils possible apprenticeship jobs pointed out and the enterprises better contacts to schools made possible , underline Götz Gölitz, adviser of the project service provider Bildungswerk of the Bavarian economy registered association, the project goal.
Various project work, such as the creation of a folding hacksaw, is carried out in the company by the students in cooperation with FISCHER trainees. "We give the students the opportunity to get up close and personal with the metal and electrical sectors and thus enable them to prepare for their future apprenticeships at an early stage," says HR Manager Marianne Wittl.